Ambulance Paramedic First Aid Responder Pre -Hospital Supplies
Medistock provide a great range of paramedic first responder ambulance and first...
Anaesthesia Products Supplies and Anaesthetic Consumables
Anaesthetics consumable products are available here. Medistock anaesthesia supplies range from masks,...
Aprons & Gowns
All types caps, aprons and gowns
Our best selling products, all in one place!
Clearance & Special Offers Sale
Most of the special offer prices below are ONLY available via our...
Covid 19 Coronavirus Disinfectants
Bright Water®️ is a highly potent anti–microbial disinfectant against all pathogenic microorganisms....
Covid Essentials
Essential items and products required to help protect from Coronavirus Covid 19.
Diathermy Pads & Supplies
A range of diathermy medical supllies and products from Medistock
Electrostatic Covid 19 Coronavirus Sprayers
Our Professional Cordless Electrostatic Sprayer allows the user hours of spraying time...
Face Masks
These Face Masks are an exceptional face mask that helps with the...
Featured Medical Products
These are our favourite stand-out medical products
I-Gel Airway Range
The full range of I-Gel Airway products here, we have them all in...
IGel - Singles
I Gel singles
IV Cannula Products
IV Cannula Intravenous products and supplies are available from Medistock here. A...
Littmann Stethoscopes
Are you looking to buy a Littmann stethoscope? Are you a medical...
Needles & Syringes
Are you in need of needles and syringes? Look no further! Our...
Nitrile Gloves
High-quality nitrile gloves are a solution, for ensuring comfortable protection against the...
Nursing & Care Home Medical Supplies
We are the most cost effective supplier of nursing and care home...
Oxygen Therapy UK Home & Hospital
Oxygen therapy range of products including oxygen masks, nebulisers, nasal cannula, including our...
Polyware & Pulp
Including pulp kidney dishes, plastic medicine cups and everything in between!
Resuscitation Trolley Emergency Supplies
Medistock the whole range required for your resuscitation trolley supplies. Bespoke and paediatric...
Soda Lime CO2 Absorber: Spherasorb & Intersorb
Our range of quality medical grade soda lime co2 absorbents are multi use...
Swabs, Bandages, Dressings & Tapes
Swabs, Bandages, Dressings & Tapes. We have all the products and consumables...
Medistock is the only official UK supplier of the non contact infra...
Veterinary Supplies
Your essential veterinary supplies from Medistock
Westmed Inc Range, Including The Comfort Softplus Nasal Cannula Range and new CO2 Capnography Systems for use with microstream monitors
The unique silicone soft, over-ear section of the Comfort SoftPlus Nasal Cannula...